TMMOB Chair of Executive Committee Emin Koramaz made a press release on 13 March 2018 regarding anti-democratic changes in Electoral Law.
The arrangements concerning Electoral Law, which is one of the most important agendas with respect to future of our country, was accepted in hurry in Turkish Parliament’s General Assembly in the middle of the night. This law, that all of its stages were accepted behind back doors and by keeping public opinion out of the issue, destroyed safety of elections and reputability of the Parliament.
By means of anti-democratic changes in Electoral Law, public’s will is tried to be seized.
It should be known that elections safety is the first condition for democracies. Legislating unsealed votes that made 16 April Referendum shady, via change accepted in the Parliament, makes shady all elections will be organized from now on and destroy their safety.
An alliance that there has been no similar example till today; divided voters; carried ballot boxes; arrangements for oppressing will of voters, all will be on the books as a disgrace for our democracy.
We object every kind of implementation and arrangement hindering public’s will to reflect on elections! For elections safety and future of democracy, State of Emergency should be abolished and anti-democratic arrangements should be canceled. A democratic atmosphere should be created for people to freely decide their own future and a democratic Electoral Law should be prepared.
Emin Koramaz
TMMOB Chair of Executive Committee.