The "TMMOB Salda Lake Report", published in June 2020, was published in English translation on February 25, 2021.
When the issue of establishing a "National Garden" on the shore by opening the Salda Lake in Burdur came to the agenda in 2019, TMMOB carried out a sensitive study in the light of on-site technical examinations and shared this report with the public; The report formed an important basis in preventing all projects that would harm the integrity of Lake Salda.
With the initiation of the technical studies carried out by TMMOB, the endeavours for Salda Lake to be included in UNESCO World Heritage List have started.
In addition, the findings that the microbial and geological formation of the lake can shed light on the early period of Mars with the studies conducted on the similarity of the Jezero Crater on Mars have drawn the attention of scientists and researchers.
To be able to contribute to all the work carried out; The TMMOB Salda Lake Report was published in English on February 25, 2021 in order to increase the public's attention to Salda Lake, which is the common wealth of the world and our country.